Thursday, July 19, 2012


     If you know me, you know I tend to be pretty spontaneous/love spur of the moment decisions. Yeah, I had one of those moments last night. My best friend, Meredith, just returned from her 6 month escapade in Italy, and was on her way to see her boyfriend in Little Rock and made a pit stop in Oxford on the way. (You also should know that I almost never pass up an excuse to go to O-town.) Anyways, I packed my bag in about 5 minutes and hit the road. It was so fabulous to be reunited with  good friends who I haven't seen in a while in a town that always promises a good night. My stomach muscles are still sore from the abundance of laughter that took place.
Never a dull moment with these 2, and I mean NEVER!

     Tomorrow I'm headed home for the weekend, and couldn't be more excited. I really don't think there is anything that beats a relaxing weekend at home. The older I get, the more I appreciate the loving place I have to go to called home. On Sunday I'm heading down to Biloxi with my highschool friends for a collaborative celebration of our 21st birthdays. We're going to spend 2 nights at the Imperial Palace on the bay. It is pretty much a guaranteed blast, and I'm sure I'll have plentyyyy of good stories when we return. 

    On the other hand, tomorrow is this girl's 22nd birthdayyyyyy:

    Soooo Happy 22nd birthday to my best friend and roomie! Don't know what I'd do with out you Hanny! 

Happy Thursday everyone! 

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